- Court Dockets
- Court Case/Calendar/Party/Attorney Search - Benchmark WEB
- Register for Attorney Access to Benchmark WEB
- Benchmark WEB - HELP File
- Judicial Forms - Available ONLY to Attorneys from the "Links" section of the Benchmark Web portal.
- Information on Judicial Court Costs; Initial Filing Fees and ALL Fees
We are pleased to offer additional information on the following topics:
- Adoption
- Alabama Minor and Adult Adoption Code - Please note that the newly adopted Alabama Minor Adoption Code and the Alabama Adult Adoption Code became effective January 1, 2024. Please ensure that any petitions or pleadings filed with the Court are in compliance with same.
- Involuntary Commitment of the Mentally Ill
- Condemnation of Land for Public Use
- Conservatorships
- Estate Administration
- Guardianships
- The Alabama Small Estates Act (Summary Distributions)
- The Mediation Process Is Encouraged In Contested Judicial Matters
- Legitimation
- Name Changes
General Information Forms:
- Petitioner Information Sheet
- Degrees of Relationship Chart - Alabama Law Institute
- Adoption Disclosure Petition
- Administrator Handbook
- Conservator Handbook
- Schedule A – Decedent’s Estates
- Schedule A – Conservatorship Estates
- Expedited Handling Cover Sheet
- Terminate Blocked Account
- Guardian Care Plan
- Annual Status Report of Guardian
- Why Has A Lawyer Been Appointed In This Case?
- SSA - A Guide for Representative Payees
It is recognized that for a variety of reasons a scheduled hearing may need to be continued to a later date. All continuance motions should be in writing. The motion should contain the reason for the continuance request and also a statement that all legal counsel and unrepresented parties in the matter have been contacted and what their position is regarding the continuance request. If the party requesting the continuance can't make actual contact with other legal counsel or unrepresented parties, this information should be included in the motion, along with a description of what effort has been made to contact said person(s). A continuance motion that does not contain said information will not be considered by the Court. Continuance motions filed within 72 hours of a scheduled hearing should include the Court's expedited handling cover sheet. Continuance of specially-set matters is not encouraged as a pre-trial conference preceded the scheduling of the hearing and the parties indicated to the Court at the pre-trial conference that the hearing date was appropriate. In specially-set contested judicial matters, when a continuance is granted, the Court's standard practice is to have a second pre-trial conference at the time of the original hearing. Continuance motions are pleadings. Thus, the motion should be signed by the party requesting the continuance and the original should be filed with the Court. The continuance motion should also include a certificate of service reflecting to whom the motion has been served. As an accommodation to litigants, the Court will act upon a continuance motion that is sent to the Court by facsimile provided that the original motion is filed with the Court within 24 hours of the facsimile. When a continuance motion is granted, it is the responsibility of the party requesting the continuance to notify all of the parties of the new hearing date and time. Lawyers are encouraged to make a special effort to notify their clients of a continuance in advance.
The South Alabama Volunteer Lawyers Program, Inc. (SAVLP) is a charitable organization dedicated to delivering pro bono publico legal services to low-income persons in Mobile, Baldwin, Clarke, and Washington counties. Through local volunteer lawyers, the SAVLP provides free legal services in certain civil matters.
Physical Location
118 N Royal Street, Suite 402
Mobile, AL 36602
Client Line
(251) 438-1102
The Lawyer Referral Service is a service of the Alabama State Bar Association. The Lawyer Referral Service is designed to help members of the public who can afford to pay a lawyer find an attorney who handles their type matter. Attorneys who participate in the ASB Lawyer Referral Service agree to charge not more than $50 for an initial 30 minute consultation; the fee for any additional work must be agreed-upon by the client and lawyer. For more information, please visit the Alabama State Bar's Need Legal Help? Page or call 1-800-392-5660 to get a referral.
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